The COVID-19 health report that I created surrounding current, shall we say, “global health concerns” made certain recommendations in terms of shoring up health and immune function. Near the top of the list was one I continue to recommend: avoiding the consumption of mainstream news (in all its forms and guises) at all costs. The well researched reasons for this are enumerated and expanded upon in that report. If you have not yet read it, I urge you to do so.

I recently came across a 2008 study that further supports that contention:

Here are a few highlights:

Main finding of this study
Recent new health hazards were found to have been over-reported by mass media as comparison with common threats to public health. The intensity of media coverage inversely correlated with the actual number of deaths for the health risks evaluated. The current results indicate a bias toward over-reporting emerging health hazards, in comparison to their actual impact on public health. The pattern observed suggests that the more commonplace the cause of death, the less likely it is to be covered by the mass media.

As shown in Fig. 1, the number of media reports inversely correlated with the corresponding number of deaths for the health risks evaluated (r = −0.93, P = 0.007). In the United States, SARS and bioterrorism killed fewer than a dozen people in 2003, but together generated over 100,000 media reports. Almost 800,000 people each year die from the consequences of smoking and physical inactivity, but these triggered far less media attention. In the same year, West Nile Fever killed hundreds of people and AIDS killed thousands of people, but both were the subjects of intermediate levels of coverage.

Emerging health hazards are over-reported in mass media by comparison to common threats to public health. Since premature mortality in industrialized societies is most often due to well-known risks such as smoking and physical inactivity, their under-representation on public agendas may cause suboptimal prioritization of public health resources.

Also from this article: “…misrepresentation of health hazards in the press might lead to misplaced choices and distorted prioritisation.”

Ya think?

And all the while the self proclaimed health authorities are squawking about the desperate need for risky mass vaccination using liability-free and highly questionable (but massively profitable) products brought to market at “warp speed”. We are also subjected to officially driven hysteria around supposed growing numbers of “cases” (based on scientifically debunked testing methods) and promulgated fears over declared/predicted multiple waves of whatever strain of this dreaded virus we are supposed to willingly destroy our lives over…. But behind the headlines lies other things we would do well to be much more concerned about.

Far and away, the world’s greatest cause of suffering, morbidity, and death of tens of millions annually include poverty and starvation–which have exponentially increased as a direct result—NOT of some virus (let’s be perfectly clear about this)–but of irresponsible, sociopathic decisions made by self-proclaimed authorities supposedly in the publics’ own “best interest.”

The United Nations estimates pandemic responses have “pushed an additional 150 million children into multidimensional poverty — deprived of education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation or water,” [] and at the end of April 2020 warned the world was facing “famine of biblical proportions, with only a limited amount of time to act before starvation claims hundreds of millions of lives.” []

Fully preventable and lethal metabolic diseases vastly outnumber deaths from any and all respiratory illness worldwide. Yet now, even when multiple co-morbidities are lethally stacked up against the health and survival of any given person (metabolic diseases, autoimmunity, cancer, etc. – even unrelated fatal accidents), including the stress and devastating isolation of wholly unnecessary and ineffective lockdowns, we are still supposed to believe that COVID-19, in reality no more deadly than any flu bug, was somehow the unquestioned primary cause of death in 94% of comorbidity cases attributed to this “pandemic.” Seriously… How stupid do they think we really are?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [], citing research from the 1980s found that for every 1-point rise in unemployment there were 37,000 excess deaths, 4,000 excess imprisonments and 3,300 excess admissions into mental institutions. Kennedy also cites recent data from a hospital in San Francisco that stated they saw one year’s-worth of suicides in a single month, a 1,200% increase.

But headlines surrounding this virus are there to distract us from such inconvenient truths as much as keep the fear alive.

Then we have this following Study, published all the way back in 1997. Somethings never change:

CONCLUSIONS: “The news media significantly misrepresent the prevalence of leading causes of death and their risk factors. This misrepresentation may contribute to the public’s distorted perceptions of health threats.”

And more recently, we have this article published un the New York Post titled: “Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America”:

On Sept. 22, CNN triumphantly announced that 200,000 people had died from COVID-19 in the United States. CNN tried various ways of rubbing in the 200,000 figure. Their best effort was an infographic blaring, “US COVID-19 deaths are equal to having the 9/11 attacks every day for 66 days.”

Here’s a less biased, but less catchy, comparison: 2020’s attributed COVID-19 deaths were equivalent to having another 2017-2018 flu and pneumonia season boosted by 13 percent.

On the same day as CNN’s announcement, the CDC officially posted a total 187,072 deaths attributed in some way to COVID-19. Even so, it’s not clear how many deaths were caused by the coronavirus alone, how many died with but not simply from infection by the coronavirus, and how many died of other things but just happened to be infected around the time of death.

The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.

The remaining 94 percent died with and not exclusively of the coronavirus. These people also were on average elderly and had 2.6 other health problems. This implies a good fraction who succumbed had three or more comorbidities. In other words, most deaths attributed to the coronavirus were in very sick people.

Unfortunately, tests for the presence of the bug are prone to false positives. This is when the test says somebody has a current infection when they don’t. The test can mistake past infections as current, or even tag infections of other coronaviruses. The one causing COVID-19 is only one among many.

[See the full article here:]

It’s reasonable to surmise that much of the broadcasted hysteria is quite arguably designed to support the justification of the ongoing controlled demolition of our global economy, basic rights to privacy, physical sovereignty and permanent revocation of many other of our most inalienable human rights. There are a number of agendas at play coming from multiple sectors of mega-corporate/technocratic interest. It’s interesting when these justifications benefit the wealthiest and most privileged by increasing their bottom lines by literally tens of billions of dollars, while irrevocably devastating the physical and economic health and basic human freedoms of the rest of us.

Of course, the concerns at play are many. One cannot swing a dead cat without striking most any meaningful aspect of human life that is currently being up-ended by the hysteria being promulgated by vested authorities and the press. But as someone who recognizes the foundational nature of ancestrally aligned diet and nutrition in supporting the physical and mental health of our species, I am inclined to take notice of this particular angle: Might Real Meat Be Forcibly Made Obsolete by the Year 2035?

In health and solidarity,

~ Nora

PS. Please consider donating with Cryptocurrency to support my work and research. Thank you!

