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Primal Restoration® Certification Course

Primal Restoration® takes a deep dive into many of the most common health-related issues and topics of interest to an increasingly health-challenged population, and meaningfully connects a variety of dots few others venture to. Primal Restoration® benefits from more than 20-years of Nora Gedgaudas’ intensive and successful clinical experience into account with the creation of these modules. Nora also brings to the program a unique and decades-long expertise in ancestrallly-based ketogenic nutrition. She readily cross pollinates this with human longevity research, anthropology, evolutionary science, human anatomy/physiology, functional medicine/nutrition, consideration of the modern day autoimmune epidemic, and food/health politics while also taking our uniquely challenging and toxic modern world into consideration to provide the viewer with cutting edge information they are unlikely to find (all in one place) anywhere else.

Bringing a deep sense of moral and ethical responsibility, integrity, compassion, clinical experience and a vast and varied educational background in the interrelated subject matter presented, together with a genuine sense of humor and a gift for illuminating analogy, Primal Restoration® stands alone as a unique and exceptional value in health and nutritional education for modern times.

Current Courses

Take a deeper dive into nutrition and health by learning from one of the most sought after and experienced educators in the world. All of Nora’s courses are full expressions of her research, clinical background and passion for the truth.

Primal Restoration® Certification Course

It’s a health and nutrition based certification program with 52 video lessons. (very popular!)


The Primalgenic® Plan

A Three Week, Meal-By-Meal Total Health Transformation. (NEW!)


Nora's Interview Series

Interviews with leading experts about cutting edge health information on a variety of fascinating subjects filled with practical and useful content.


Blood Sugar Basics

You’ll learn how to get to the bottom of blood sugar issues and conquer your cravings!


Primal Restoration® Certification Course

Tip the Scales of Health in Your Favor without Losing Your Mind, and Ignite your Pathway to a Better Life with Informative, Insightful, Interesting Information each and every week of the year!

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or purchase the course!

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The Magic Pill Documentary

What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem?

The Magic Pill follows doctors, patients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change - embracing fat as our main fuel - is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet.

Watch on Amazon Prime, Netflix or YouTube.

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